The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Officer of the University and Secretary to the Council, Senate, Congregation and Convocation and their Committees for which he may appoint Officers to act on his/her behalf.
Responsible to the Vice Chancellor, for the day to day administration of the University.
Responsible for all University external communications, advertisement, announcement and general correspondences.
Responsible for the harmonization of the work of the School Officers in the various Schools within the content of the University, although the School Officers are responsible to their respective Deans for the day-to-day administration of the affairs of the Schools.
Responsible for the determination of all personnel matters including the interpretation of all staff entitlements under the staff regulations.
Serves as Member/Secretary to relevant Committees of Management as may be appointed.
Responsible to the Registrar in overseeing the general administration of the Registrar’s Office and performing the following:
Coordination and supervision of all activities of staff in the Registrar’s Office.
Preparation of internal and external correspondences for the Registrar.
Attend Principal Officers’ meeting for necessary dissemination of decisions taken as appropriate.
Preparation of decision extracts from the Principal Officers’ meetings, Administrative Officers and all other meetings of the Registrar with the Administrative Staff, and other divisions/departments.
Organize Registrar’s meetings with Heads of Units in the Registry, Administrative Staff, other Departments/Units in the University and visitors to the University.
Prepares appointment letters of Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Directors, Associate Directors, Heads of Departments/Units and other key officers of the University.
Prepares the composition of Ad-Hoc Committees and Investigation Panels.
Reviewing and prepare the composition of University Standing/Statutory Committees.
Prepare and review the University Yellow Pages.
Prepare the Registrar’s speeches/papers at occasions as appropriate.
Supervision of the National Youth Service Corps members in the performance of their duties in the Office.
Preparation of monthly clearance and running list for the Corps members in the Registrar’s Office.
Attends to official mails as may be directed by the Registrar from time to time.
Handles all staff and non-staff petitions made to the Registrar.
Perform any other responsibilities as may be directed by the Registrar from time to time.
Proofreading and crosschecking of documents
Arranging and covering Committee and intra-departmental meetings
Checking in-coming mails necessary for Registrar's attention
Responding to assigned mails
Staff Data verification and update
Registration, moderation and distribution of staff identity cards.
Providing back-up information to the Registrar as may be required.
Speech writing and writing of assigned papers.
Attending to any other duties as they are assigned from time-to-time by the Registrar.
The following are the schedule of duties of an Administrative Officer in the Registrar’s office:
Responsible to the Registrar for the day-to-day running of the office.
Assists the Registrar on official correspondences.
Daily management of the Registrar’s email account by checking incoming mails, responding to mails and sending out mails as directed.
Secretary to meetings with Registry's Divisional Heads, Registry Staff and other meetings appertaining to the administrative functions.
Attending to staff and student’s complaints.
Facilitator of IT needs and services in the Registrar’s office
Proofreading and crosschecking of documents
Arranging and covering Committee and intra-departmental meetings
Checking incoming mails necessary for Registrar's attention
Responding to assigned mails
Providing back-up information to the Registrar as may be required.
Speech writing and writing of assigned papers.
Representing the Registrar at assigned functions.
Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Registrar.